Health and Beauty Healthy

10 Health benefits of eating oatmeal

health benefits oatmeal

Most of the fitness experts will talk about oats when they recommend a healthy diet plan to someone. Oats have a place of their own in making a nice whole grain diet. And hence, nutritionists, dieticians, cooks, and fitness enthusiasts, and experts from around the world are constantly digging out recipes that involve oat in a delicious and healthy way. If you also have heard a lot of about oats and the goodness of oatmeal, and are thinking of whether to include them in your daily diet or not, then now is the time to find out more. Here is a list of 10 reasons why you must start with oats sooner.

  1. Did you know that it can lower your cholesterol?

They are tremendously good in lowering cholesterol levels in the body. Though it won’t lower it any less than the required limits,but in case you have an excess of LDL cholesterol, a daily diet of oatmeal would definitely give you great results which you may test and see after a few months.

  1. Cardiovascular Diseases

Oatmeal is fortified with antioxidants. And antioxidants play a vital role in reducing oxidative stress, fighting free radicals, and prevent the hardening of the arteries and veins within the heart which otherwise may cause heart attacks. Heart diseases are prevented by lignans and heart health is improved by beta glucans in oatmeal. Ischemic heart injuries are also prevented when oat is a regular part of diet, and it also protects the heart of postmenopausal women.

  1. Promotes weight loss

If you are on oatmeal, and include it in daily breakfast you would find a significant weight loss within a few weeks. The fiber in oats helps you feel full and satisfied after eating while the protein helps in fat metabolism.

  1. Blood sugar lowering

Oatmeal contains carbohydrates and fibers both in sufficient quantities. Hence while the body gets ample energy from the carbohydrates, the fiber makes it slow to digest. As a result, the blood sugar level is not raised suddenly after a meal.

  1. Blood Pressure control

Oats play a vital role in controlling blood pressure too. It has dual effects on the blood pressure. On one side the magnesium and fiber in oats reduces plaque in the body thus improving blood flow, and on the other hand whole oats and oat bran help in reducing overall blood pressure in people who have borderline high BP.

  1. Protection from Breast Cancer

There are some photochemicals in oats, which helps fight several types of cancers. Specifically,enterolactone is one that protects against breast cancer.

  1. Good for intestinal Health

Oatmeal contains high fibers. It helps cleanse the colon, and also is soothing for patients of ulcerative colitis, and prevents colon cancer.

  1. Stress Buster

Due to being a whole gain meal, oatmeal is a good stress reliever. On eating it, the tummy feels full, and the happiness chemical serotonin is released in the brain that keeps the mood up and anxiety at bay. For more tips on mental health, visit BetterHelp.

  1. Immunity Booster

There are beta glucans in oats. These can improve the immunity of body by helping fight against microbes and also has antioxidant properties.

  1. Good for your skin

Oatmeal is also a great face pack. You may apply it to get relief from skin rashes, redness, and irritation.

How do you prepare your oats?

Aside from the benefits, one of the biggest perks of this wonder food is how easy you can prepare it for any meal.

There are many ways to prepare oats; the best way for you depends on your preferences and time constraints. Here are a few popular methods you can try:

  • Stovetop: This is the classic way. Bring water or milk to a boil in a saucepan, then stir in the oats and cook until they are soft and creamy, about five minutes.
  • Microwave: Combine oats, water, milk, and salt in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high for two to three minutes, stirring halfway through.
  • Overnight oats: This is a no-cook method perfect for busy mornings. Combine oats, milk, yogurt, and your favorite toppings in high-quality overnight oats containers. Stir to combine, then refrigerate overnight.

No matter how you choose to prepare your oats, there are a few tips that will help you make the best possible bowl:

  • Use the right type: There are three main types: rolled, steel-cut, and instant. Rolled oats are the most common type and cook in about 5 minutes. Steel-cut oats have a chewier texture and cook for about 20 minutes. Instant oats cook in just one or two but are lower in fiber.
  • Choose your liquid: You can cook your oats with water, milk, or both. Milk will make your oatmeal creamier, while water will make it thinner.
  • Add your favorite toppings: There are endless possibilities for toppings for oatmeal. Some popular choices include fruit, nuts, seeds, honey, maple syrup, and spices.

Experiment until you find the perfect way to enjoy it!

Author Bio: Sujain Thomas is deeply involved in the research and studies of maltose binding protein sequence. Her health and immunity related articles are written for the promotion of better health globally, and you may learn a lot about health and fitness from her writings.

About the author

Malika Bowling

Malika is the author of several books including Culinary Atlanta: Guide to the Best Restaurants, Markets, Breweries and More! and the founder of Roamilicious. She is also a Digital Marketing and Social Media Consultant. Follow us @Roamilicious on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest for the content not shared on the blog. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter (subscribe box below) and never miss a contest, giveaway or the latest must visit restaurant!